Chi siamo
Informazioni su TECSAFE

Nessun arresto fin dal primo secondo

Da luglio 2010, la nostra produzione si svolge presso la sede di Solingen, mantenendo la vicinanza a molti dei nostri clienti nei settori degli utensili manuali e dell'industria. Oggi TECSAFE è uno dei principali produttori di inserti in schiuma per lo stoccaggio, il fissaggio, il trasporto e l'imballaggio.

Nel 2010 abbiamo iniziato la nostra produzione con una fresatrice. 10 anni dopo, produciamo con quasi 30 macchine, oltre 2.500 m² di magazzino e serviamo più di 100 produttori, rivenditori e associazioni. Siamo sempre stati felici della risposta positiva e soddisfiamo la domanda in costante crescita con oltre 40 dipendenti. Siamo orgogliosi della nostra crescita, che è stata riconosciuta per la terza volta con il titolo di “Campione della crescita” dalla rivista Focus.

  1. Start of production

    Jun 2010

    TECSAFE starts production with a milling machine

  2. Online foam configurator

    Apr 2011

    Start of development of the online foam configurator 2.0

  3. Increase in production capacity

    Mar 2012

    Production capacities are increased to 4 milling machines

  4. Live online foam configurator

    Aug 2013

    The online foam configurator 2.0 goes live

  5. Expansion of the machine park

    Dec 2014

    Machinery grows to 8 milling machines

  6. Relocation

    Dec 2015

    Relocation to Dingshauser Straße (Solingen) with more space for growth

  7. Automatic cutting technology

    Mar 2016

    Introduction of automatic cutting technology and expansion to 10 milling machines

  8. Machinery grows

    Nov 2017

    Expansion of the machine park to 17 milling machines

  9. Expansion of the machine park

    Mar 2018

    Expansion of the machine park to 21 milling machines

  10. Site expansion

    Jan 2019

    Start of site expansion in Solingen with 400 m² logistics hall and expansion of machinery to 25 milling machines and a second cutting machine

  11. New logistics hall

    Jan 2020

    Commissioning of the new logistics hall

  12. Eigene Materialaufbereitung

    Jan 2021

    TECSAFE erweitert den Maschinenpark um eine Spalt- und Laminiermaschine womit noch individueller auf Kundenwünsche eingegangen werden kann.

  13. Conversion to semi-automated production

    Dec 2021

    The first robot in the production line marks a new milestone in TECSAFE's production processes.

  14. Expansion of automation

    Jul 2022

    Following on from the first partial automation, a further robot is installed for a self-sufficient production line.

  15. Expansion of the cutting technology

    Oct 2022

    The acquisition of the third cutting system completes the semi-automated production line.

  16. Launch of the online store

    Dec 2022

    At, TECSAFE offers customized foam inserts for the end user in cooperation with well-known tool manufacturers.

  17. Expansion of the machine park

    Apr 2023

    The number of milling machines increases to 28.

  18. New labeling system

    Aug 2023

    With the second laser, TECSAFE is also expanding the area of inlay marking.

Fasi di produzione

Fasi di produzione

Queste sono le nostre
CNC milling
Laser treatment
Quality assurance


The production process at TECSAFE is already largely digitized, which enables us to process individual inquiries and small quantities just as economically as larger order volumes. This enables us to react very quickly and flexibly to customer requirements and, with delivery times of 2 weeks, we have realized an extremely fast production chain. We are constantly increasing the efficiency of our production chain in order to meet growing customer requirements for just-in-time deliveries and low storage capacities at eye level. As a result, we now have an optimized production chain with our 5 core processes:


All foam inserts are cut to the correct basic dimensions before they are further processed in the CNC milling process. The use of special band saw blades enables a perfect cutting result with groove-free edges.


CNC milling

The heart of our production is milling. We not only mill internal contours, but are also able to fit any material in our portfolio by milling external contours as case or cabinet inserts.

CNC milling


Each individual foam insert is carefully inspected after the milling process. Chips, protruding edges etc. are carefully removed by hand using scissors and tweezers. Our foam inlays are given an attractive sheen by the subsequent surface finishing.


Laser treatment

Our ultra-modern laser offers a wide range of organization and individualization options. Unlike conventional lettering, laser engravings can withstand even heavy material stress and guarantee good legibility at all times. In addition to workplace identifiers, serial numbers and article numbers in different font sizes and types, logos and other pictograms can also be easily immortalized in any position on the black foam surface.

Laser treatment

Quality assurance

We attach great importance to high-quality results. We meet this requirement with our quality assurance. Each insert is checked manually according to our quality characteristics before it is sent to our customers. Depending on customer requirements, the foams produced are also labeled in this step in order to meet the digital process requirements of our customers.

Quality assurance

Tecsafe è sinonimo di qualità e innovazione


Il nostro successo non è una coincidenza. TECSAFE si è basata su 3 convinzioni fin dall'inizio:

Premium inside and outside

Premium inside and outside

Since the company was founded, we have been committed to the highest quality. This applies to our materials and our entire value chain, from production to quality assurance. But we also pursue the highest quality standards when it comes to service. With fast and flexible processes, we have also been fulfilling individual customer requirements from day one.

Fully digital

Fully digital

We have always actively invested in the development of our own technologies. Today, we are already looking at the second version of our unique online foam configurator and control our production processes using our specially developed process digitalization. Our technologies enable us to achieve a high degree of individuality for our customers while at the same time being cost-effective.

Environmentally conscious

Environmentally conscious

Packaging and protection are necessary, but not at any price. With our premium approach, we have also made a conscious decision to use higher quality materials in production. These are more expensive to produce, but also more environmentally friendly. Our customers are pleased with the high quality and our environment with the increased service life of our products.

Qualità del materiale

Massima qualità del materiale per la durata

Rilevamento dei contorni

Tecnologie innovative per il rilevamento dei contorni

Tempi di consegna

Processi digitali per tempi di consegna rapidi

Piccole quantità

Produzioni personalizzate in piccole quantità

Database dei contorni

Il più grande database dei contorni con oltre 30.000 strumenti di marca di più di 14 produttori



La sostenibilità è un elemento centrale per TECSAFE. Per questo motivo utilizziamo prevalentemente schiuma PE di altissima qualità, che viene schiumata esclusivamente con CO². È quindi al 100% privo di vapori chimici ed è considerato uno dei più ecologici nel suo genere. TECSAFE ricicla il 100% di tutti i materiali di scarto. Inoltre, generiamo da soli la maggior parte dell'energia attraverso il nostro impianto di cogenerazione e ottimizziamo costantemente la nostra produzione per essere ancora più efficienti nell'uso delle risorse.